Meaning of the Stars Astrology began many millennia ago when the ancients looked into the infinite universe and ascribed meaning to the...
The Magic of Beltane
The flowers open: red, pink, blue, and white. There is a surge of color as the promise of Imbolc’s opening seed comes forth in the lush...
Balance Dark with Light
Samhain is past and in the North, frost blankets the fields. The veils are thin and we enter the dark quarter of the year. We have an...
Look to the Truth, Not to Hate
A few weeks back, I asked my helping Spirits what I could do about the high level of conflict in discourse in the United States. Several...
The High Seat
Engage in Sei∂r (truth Speaking) practice to learn deeper truths Sei∂r (SAY-th) or seith practice covers a range of ancient Nordic...
Did You Know that Celtic New Year Begins Now?
The leaves are falling and the air is crisp. Samhain (sow-en) is the beginning of the dark half of the Celtic Year. It happens sometime...
Just a Little Piece of String
Who has not had to go to "war" in their life, handling a challenging situation at work, with family, or just in the normal run of life?...
It’s the small things – Help from the Spirits on the Tree of Life
What are the benefits of developing a spiritual relationship with the Planetary Powers? While it is a line of spirit work that requires...
The Cycle of Becoming
I have recently been discussing with the spirits the purpose of engaging shamanic work. They have told me about “the cycle of becoming.”...
The Rune Master
The Rune Master lives down by the end of the lake where he has a hutta (cabin) separate from the village. I visit there often, up on the...